Nina Welti successfully defended her Phd-thesis " Nitrogen cycling in restored and disturbed riverine floodplains". We congratulate Nina and wish the best for her future time at University of Queensland.
WasserCluster Lunz joined "Vienna City Marathon" relay on 15th april with a women team (4 people). Each member of the team had to run a part of the Marathon (42,195 km).
Congratulations to the 5th place (of 246 women teams) to Maren Striebel, Karoline Wagner, Iris Hödl and Marion Kapuscinski.
"Focus of my four week visit at WCL is to analyze Baltic Sea salmon (Salmo salar L.) muscle and eggs for fatty acids as a collaborator in the group of LIPTOX led by Dr. Martin Kainz. Fatty acids should help me reveal the last feeding areas of returning salmon in the Baltic Sea. The second purpose for FA analysis is to assess the main prey species proportions (herring and sprat) in salmon diet: is there a dietary effect on female salmon reproduction success? Also separation of reared and wild salmon using fatty acid profiles is strongly considered."
Christina Gaitzenauer successfully defended her MSc-thesis "Nutrient retention along stream banks of different morphology". We congratulate Mrs. Gaitzenauer
We congratulate Linda Wilhelm (Vienna University, WasserCluster Lunz) for the Award for the best PhD presentation at Science day at Vienna University (Ecology center).
Aquatic researcher Chistine Sindelar (WasserCluster Lunz, Vienna University) reviews spiral streams.
Thomas Hein visitited several academic institutions and one field station in East China. (read more...)