Priv.-Doz. Dr. Robert Ptacnik
Groupleader AQUASCALE
- Telefon:
- 07486 20060 86
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Research Areas
• Regulation of diversity in ecological communities at different spatial scales
• Diversity-functioning relationships
• Plankton ecology
• Role of mixotrophic protists in microbial food webs
I am aquatic ecologist, interested in general ecological processes.
I have a particular interest in spatial diversity patterns in microscopic organisms such as phyto- and zooplankton, which started with the analysis of observational data. I now combine analysis of observational data with experiments to better understand the interplay of local and regional dynamics in driving diversity and functioning of plankton communities.
Another interest lies in applying advanced statistical methods for the analysis of ecological data, like spatial patterns in ecological communities.
Diploma Biology (2000), University of Munich
PhD in Marine Ecology (2003), IFM, University of Kiel
Previous appointments
2004, Jan-Jul - Member of the research group Food-webs, Stoichiometry and Population Dynamics at the Centre for Advanced Studies, led by D.O. Hessen
2004-2009 Research Scientist at NIVA, Oslo
2009-2012 PostDoc in the lab of H. Hillebrand, ICBM, University of Oldenburg
Further Information
Profile from Robert Ptacnik on google scholar
Profile from Robert Ptacnik on ORCID
AQUASCALE Working group Website: www.aquascalelab.wordpress.com