We congratulate Linda Wilhelm (Vienna University, WasserCluster Lunz) for the Award for the best PhD presentation at Science day at Vienna University (Ecology center).
Aquatic researcher Chistine Sindelar (WasserCluster Lunz, Vienna University) reviews spiral streams.
Thomas Hein visitited several academic institutions and one field station in East China. (read more...)
Nina Welti started in 2006 at the WCL and worked on CANFLOOD and ProFor, with an emphasis on nitrogen cycling in restored freshwater ecosystems.
Iris Baart received the Reinhard Liepolt award of the Austrian Committee Danube Research of the International Association for Danube Research.
Christine Sindelar (Uni Wien, WasserCluster Lunz) was honored with the L'Oreal award by the Minister of Science Dr. Karlheinz Töchterle on 14th, November.
Iris Schönbrunner successfully defended her MSc-thesis "Impact of drying and re-flooding of sediment on the phophorus dynamics of river-floodplain systems".
We congratulate Mrs. Schönbrunner.