New article published in Oecologia about temperature and species richness effects in phytoplankton communities:
In this study, we investigated the combined effects of temperature and diversity on phytoplankton growth. In a controlled laboratory experiment, monocultures of different freshwater phytoplankton taxa (green algae, cyanobacteria, and diatoms) as well as mixed communities of different species richness (2–12 species) and taxa composition were exposed to different temperatures (12, 18, and 24 °C).
The national newspaper KRONEN ZEITUNG reported about scientific projects at WasserCluster Lunz and about how basic research can be applied from Finland to Australia.
We welcome Dr. Robert Ptacnik at WasserCluster Lunz as the new group leader of the 4th working group "AQUASCALE".
I am aquatic ecologist, interested in general ecological processes... read more
Iris Schönbrunner published a paper about the effects of changing hydrology on phosphor dynamics in the Journal Science of the Total Environment.
As water is becoming one of the key resources in future, an improved understanding of aquatic ecosystem is an important aspect for the future development. In an article in the Austrian weekly magazine “Format” we presented our core topics in aquatic ecosystem research and highlighted examples how our research results are contributing to global and regional issues of concern and how they will provide also new insights in future.
Supported by the provincial government of Lower Austria, we report about research on water quality and fish from aquaculture as well as rivers of pre-Alpine Austria. Our research clearly shows that cold pre-alpine water, rich in oxygen and low in nutrients provides an excellent basis for local aquaculture. Current research investigates how to maintain high quality of water and fish by partly replacing marine-based feeds with locally grown substitutes.
The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna and the WasserCluster Lunzinvestigated the effects of residual water caused by the operation of the hydropower plant Opponitz onthe ecological state of the Ybbs and made recommendations regarding an ecological compatibleresidual water discharge. An informative meeting about the revitalisation of the hydropower plant tookplace in Opponitz on Friday, 11th May.
(Photo from left to right: Univ.Prof. Dr. Mathias Jungwirth, Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU Wien), DI Dr. Susanna Zapreva, Managment Wien Energie, Ing Leopold Hofbauer, Mayor of Opponitz
On Friday, April 27th the "Long Night of Science" took place in Austria from 4:00 p.m. to 12 p.m. Research institutions in Lower Austria provided an insight into their research work. More than 200 people visited the Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft in Petzenkirchen where the WasserCluster Lunz presented current research projects. In three stations, visitors learned about nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems, lipids in food chains, and aquatic organisms.