In Summer 2021 it is again possible to be part of the AQUACOSM transnational access. There are two experiments scheduled at WasserCluster Lunz. Find out more on the AQUACOSM Website.
Photo © Michael Liebert
On Thursday, 17 December 2020 the knowledge magazine "P.M. Wissen" on ServusTV informed about the research activities of WG LIPTOX. More precise, about the FWF project AQUATERR, which investigates the role of aquatic organisms on surrounding terrestrial ecosystems.
And for all those who are still undecided about the menu for the festive days, we recommend the following derStandard article:
Warum man Karpfen nicht nur zu Weihnachten essen sollte
Here is an overview of the topics:
- “Alles was Flügel hat, fliegt“ … aus den Lunzer Seen und aus Fischteichen
- Sonnencreme, Bier und Rock’n Roll Auswirkungen intensiver Freizeitnutzung auf unsere Gewässer
- Hat Phytoplankton Parasiten? … und warum es uns interessieren sollte
- „BioGeocaching - Finde Lunzi“ - Themenweg Eine biologische Schatzsuche um den Lunzer See
In November 2020 Tz-Ching Yeh successfully defended her PhD-thesis with the title "Effects of Extreme Events on Aquatic Organic Matter Dynamics" under Supervision from Thomas Hein (MB WCL) and Franz Zehetner (BOKU)
This Month AQUACOSM-Plus will hold a series of 4 webinars on “Consequences of global change on aquatic ecosystems”.
Each webinar will consist of an “Incentive Talk” followed by a WORLD CAFÉ session delivered by an expert guest speaker. Each incentive talk will last for approximately 1 hour and is open to all to join via Zoom.
More Details about the Webinar of this week and how to join you find here:
On September 11th, 2020 the opening Event of the Finde Lunzi treasure hunt path was celebrated at the WasserCluster Lunz. The project team Astrid Harjung, Laura Coulson, Romana Hödl and Katrin Attermeyer presented the concept of the BioGeocaching Path to interested parties and participants and offered insights into idea generation and implementation. Strengthened after snacks and beverages the visitors could exlore for the first time the treasure hunt path around lake lunz.
Further information can be found in the press reports.
In August 2020 Tania Sosa finished successfully her MSc-thesis with the title "The effects of different DOM sources on stream microbial activity" under Supervision from Thomas Hein and Co-Supervision from Gabriele Weigelhofer (AG BIGER).