On 5.2.2021, NÖ heute will be dedicated to science. Because of this an ORF film team was on site at the WasserCluster Lunz and gained insights into field research in wintry conditions.
Here are the details: ORF2 NÖ heute - 5.2.2021, 19:00
Those who prefer to inform themselves via radio have the opportunity to learn more about water research and the topic of drinking water at the Ö1 Radiokolleg. Here, too, a staff member of WasserCluster Lunz, Gabriele Weigelhofer (WG-Leader BIGER) was interviewed.
Here are the details: Ö1 Radiokolleg - Trinkwasser in Österreich - 1. bis 4.2.2021
WasserCluster Lunz on TV and Radio