On May 20, 2022 WasserCluster Lunz was represented in three locations in Lower Austria (ISTA Klosterneuburg, Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, BAW Petzenkirchen) at the Lange Nacht der Forschung. At the Federal Office of Water Management with our stand on the topic "What lives in the water" we presented algae and animals of the local waters. The visitors could examine them closely and could learn more about their habitats and way of life.
The initiative #youngsciencerocks of the education agency OeAD to counteract science skepticism in Austria, shows a collection of numerous ideas to regard science Austria-wide with enthusiasm since mid-May on its homepage. Our research institute supports with two actions to face research in Lunz openly and joyfully. At the Finde Lunzi Biogeocaching Theme Trail, as well as at interactive workshops in the W3 laboratory in the Haus der Wildnis, pupils can discover their enthusiasm for science on a modern treasure hunt as well as by experimenting together.
As part of the project „Schullabor – Wildnis Dürrenstein“ Eva Felbacher, from the working group BIGER, conducts multi-day workshops on water ecology: WORLD OF SCIENCE in the research workshop space at the Haus der Wildnis since spring 2022. Lower and upper school students can explore water chemistry, plankton, and aquatic insects through collaborative experimentation.
In a fortnight, on 20 May 22, the time has come. You can experience the research of WasserCluster Lunz at three locations in Lower Austria at hands-on stations and workshops during the Lange Nacht der Forschung. Follow the links to get exciting impressions of what will await you!
Hands-on station: What lives in the water? - BAW, Petzenkirchen
Hands-on station Who exhales methane? - ISTA Austria, Klosterneuburg
Workshop: Do fats from carp ponds increase biodiversity on land? - Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
As we currently focus on the SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being for our sustainable focal points at the WasserCluster Lunz, three of our most athletic employees got involved in the Lower Austrian company run on April 23, 2022 in Waidhofen/Ybbs. Romana Gschwandegger, Libor Zavorka and Sonja Brunner are happy about the 2nd place for two city rounds of 3 km. In the Lower Austrian Company Challenge - where we are now ranked 22nd in our company size - more of our employees are also taking part in running, walking, cycling, inline skating and cross-country skiing until May 31, 2022 to stay fit and healthy.
In cooperation with the nature park Hochmoor Schrems, our research center developed a special exhibition about the importance of Waldviertel’s ponds and bogs as ecosystems for the preservation of biodiversity. Daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. you can explore questions around the topic 'Why ponds are hotspots of biodiversity' at the Nature Park Center UnterWasserReich in Schrems in an interactive way.
Dr. Katrin Attermeyer, head of the CARBOCROBE working group at WasserCluster Lunz, will give a lecture at the Planetarium Wien on April 25, 2022 from 19:00 to 20:30 on the topic: Bacteria - the invisible actors of our waters. For 6 € (free with science card) and a reservation at:
We are committed to equality, tolerance and anti-discrimination in our research institute. Find more information regarding our framework for appreciative interaction in our Gender Equality Plan of WasserCluster Lunz - Biologische Station GmbH.