The Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies (KIÖS) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences visited the WasserCluster Lunz on October 1, 2021. In addition to guided excursions by the working group leaders through both houses (WCL + BSL), the experimental facilities - the Lunzer Rinnen, and the historical lake laboratory, current research results were shared in the context of lectures from the WCL, BOKU and KFU Graz, and scientific exchange was promoted.
In September 2021 Philipp Mayer successfully defended his MSc-thesis with the title "Effects of macrophytes on nutrient cycling in a groundwater-fed lowland river under the supervision of Thomas Hein from AG BIGER.
In fall 2021 we may congratulate two BSc students on their successful graduation under the supervision of Gabriele Weigelhofer (AG BIGER):
- Pia Karbiener, BOKU: „Einfluss der Austrocknung und Wiedervernässung auf die P, N und DOC Aufnahme- und Abgaberate des Sediments intermittierender Flüsse"
- Sophie Ehrlinger, BOKU: „Die maximale Phosphoraufnahmekapazität unter Austrocknung und Wiedervernässung von Sedimenten aus natürlich intermittierenden Bächen"
After a presentation about the main focus of the WasserCluster Lunz and a guided tour through the building including the central laboratory, the Lower Austrian Parliament was introduced to the diversity of the international research institution. Members of the Lower Austrian Parliament are enthusiastic about the science at the WCL and emphasize the importance of the knowledge gained for the future of aquatic ecosystems and for flood protection.
Since this summer, pollen data has been collected by air sampling at WasserCluster Lunz. The Health Provincial Councilor Ulrike Königsberger Ludwig is pleased that the new pollen trap will disseminate information for pollen allergy sufferers in Lower Austria. Photo credit: Dr. Anton Heinzl
The WasserCluster Lunz held a workshop for children from 6-14 years with the title "What lives in the water?" in the Haus der Wildnis. The children caught aquatic animals themselves in the aquarium and looked at them under the microscope. They drew wanted posters and made water striders.
WasserCluster Lunz contributes to the exhibition in the Haus der Wildnis and thereby makes its research visible to the public. For example, a short film and a sediment core collected from the deepest spot of Lake Lunz can be marvelled at.
Find out more about the exhibition at:
The 11.5 International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol) 2021 was organised by the WCL Lunz in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). To acknowledge the research in the field, the meeting connected international researchers virtually and addressed the use of isotopes in understanding aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Find out more at: