In November 2020 Tz-Ching Yeh successfully defended her PhD-thesis with the title "Effects of Extreme Events on Aquatic Organic Matter Dynamics" under Supervision from Thomas Hein (MB WCL) and Franz Zehetner (BOKU)
This Month AQUACOSM-Plus will hold a series of 4 webinars on “Consequences of global change on aquatic ecosystems”.
Each webinar will consist of an “Incentive Talk” followed by a WORLD CAFÉ session delivered by an expert guest speaker. Each incentive talk will last for approximately 1 hour and is open to all to join via Zoom.
More Details about the Webinar of this week and how to join you find here:
On September 11th, 2020 the opening Event of the Finde Lunzi treasure hunt path was celebrated at the WasserCluster Lunz. The project team Astrid Harjung, Laura Coulson, Romana Hödl and Katrin Attermeyer presented the concept of the BioGeocaching Path to interested parties and participants and offered insights into idea generation and implementation. Strengthened after snacks and beverages the visitors could exlore for the first time the treasure hunt path around lake lunz.
Further information can be found in the press reports.
In August 2020 Tania Sosa finished successfully her MSc-thesis with the title "The effects of different DOM sources on stream microbial activity" under Supervision from Thomas Hein and Co-Supervision from Gabriele Weigelhofer (AG BIGER).
In May 2020 Paul Plank finished successfully his MSc-thesis with the title "Makrophytenvegetation, ihre Standortfaktoren und Monitoring im Lunzer See" under Supervision from Georg Bernhardt (BOKU) and Co-Supervision from Robert Ptacnik (AG AQUASCALE).
Researchers from the WasserCluster Lunz and the University of Vienna have investigated which organic substances are introduced to the Traisen River in Austria by the approximate 100.000 visitors of the FM4-Frequency Festival every year and how these substances influence river metabolism. The study now published in the scientific journal "Environmental Science & Technology", shows for the first time the possible consequences of intense recreational use of running waters on the river carbon cycle.
Link to article (Open Access).
Until Tuesday 11.08.2020 there is still the possibility to listen to the report "Forschung am Lunzersee" in the series "Sommertour" on the Radio NÖ website.
Learn more about the work at the WasserCluster Lunz, how the temperature of the Lunzer See is developing and which further effects this has on the ecosystem.
Here you find the report:
In July 2020 Michael Kolmar finished successfully his MSc-thesis with the title "Effects of an anaerobic filter module on water quality in koi ponds and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)" under Supervision from Thomas Hein and Gabriele Weigelhofer (AG BIGER).