WasserCluster Lunz

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    Excellent internship report

    For the second time in a row, we have the pleasure of celebrating the recognition of a dedicated summer intern’s report: Sarah Gassner’s account of her experiences at WasserCluster Lunz was awarded on March 13, 2025, at the Wiener Urania during a ceremony organized by the FFG. Congratulations – also to the three technicians who were responsible for the work instructions!

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    PhD position within Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Network "BEYOND"

    Sedimentary phosphate remobilisation and in-stream mitigation under climate change conditions

    All details for applicants

    More information on the BEYOND project

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    Two PhD positions in fishpond ecology

    Within the research project ‘HydroFat – Trophic fate of lipids in eutrophic aquatic ecosystems’, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), we are looking for highly motivated students with expertise in aquatic food webs ecology to pursue her/his PhD studies at the University of Vienna.

    All details here

News and Events

Seminar Series

N.N. | March 2025
Info to follow

All seminars, videos, pictures,...

Longterm ecological research

WasserCluster Lunz is member of GLEON and study Lake Lunz as a permanent study site.

Moreover Lunz is a mastersite in the LTER platform Eisenwurzen. (person to contact: Robert Ptacnik)

Current physical properties of Lake Lunz

Wassercluster Lunz

About WasserCluster Lunz

WasserCluster Lunz is a non-profit research center equally supported by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU Vienna), the University for Continuing Education Krems, and the University of Vienna. The research centre is financed by the Provincial Government of Lower Austria and the Municipality of Vienna. | Imagefilm 3'30 min


WasserCluster Lunz pursues basic and applied research on aquatic ecosystems from microscopic to catchment scales. Our scientists conduct studies in international teams to investigate scientific problems of aquatic ecosystems; including effects of global change, significance and magnitude of aquatic-terrestrial interlinkages and aquatic ecosystem management and rehabilitation.


WasserCluster Lunz offers university and postgraduate training at an international level, provides internships and accomplishes research-education cooperation at local and national scales.

Visiting Scientists

WasserCluster Lunz welcomes enquiries from scientists who are interested in a sabbatical leave in our research centre. Interested persons are invited to contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Open Day

The WasserCluster Lunz organizes an open day for interested visitors every two years. The next one is expected to take place in 2026.

Partner of EFA 2019, GLA and Österreich forscht



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