WasserCluster Lunz

The supervisory board consists of 3 representatives from our academic stakeholders University of natural resources and life sciences, BOKU ViennaUniversity for Continuing Education Krems and the  University of Vienna as well as of two representatives from our principal funding authorities (Provincial Government of Lower Austria, Municipal Authority of Vienna). At the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, WasserCluster is linked to the Department of Water - Atmosphere - Environment, at the University for Continuing Education Krems it is linked to the Department for Health and Medicine - Research Lab Aquatic Ecosystem Research and -Health, and at the University of Vienna it is linked to the Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology.

The management board consists of managing director Priv.-Doz.in Dr.in Gabriele Weigelhofer and managing director Bernhard Mang, MSc.


Performance and Development of research and education is pursued by five working group leaders and their working groups.


The scientific advisory board consists of eight experts in the field of water and ecosystem research.