Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Martin Kainz
Groupleader LIPTOX
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- 07486 20060 50
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Research Areas
• Aquatic ecology
• Lipid biochemistry (aquatic food webs)
• Ecotoxicology (inorganic and organic contaminants)
• Trophic biomarkers (stable isotopes, fatty acids, compound-specific stable isotopes)
My research combines ecotoxicology with dietary nutrient processes within the aquatic food web of freshwater ecosystems.
I am intrigued by the fact that some contaminants, for example the powerful neurotoxin methyl mercury (CH3Hg+; MeHg), bioaccumulate in aquatic consumers, whereas the retention of dietary nutrients, such as physiologically required fatty acids, is often species dependent. To better understand how contaminants and dietary nutrients are taken up, modified, and/or retained, I examine their pathways in organisms of the aquatic food web, conducting field and laboratory experiments. I am also attempting to combine elements of the aquatic with human food web, in particular, to identify those ecosystem parameters that may decrease bioaccumulation of contaminants and enhance retention of essential nutrients in fish and eventually in their consumers (contaminant-nutrient interaction).
MSc (1995) University of Vienna; Landscape Ecology
PhD (2001) Universiät du Québec à Montréal, Canada; Environmental Sciences
Prior Positions
2006: Researcher at the National Water Research Institute, Burlington, ON, Canada
2001 to 2005: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biology, University of Victoria, BC, Canada
Further Information
Profile from Martin Kainz on google scholar
Profile from Martin Kainz on ORCID
LIPTOX Working group Website: www.kainzlab.com
Selected Publications
- Wu, P.; Kainz, M.J.; Valdes, F.; Zheng, S.; Winter, K.; Wang, R.; Branfireun, B.; Chen, C.Y.; Bishop. K. (2021): Elevated temperature and browning increase dietary methylmercury, but decrease essential fatty acids at the base of lake food webs Scientific Reports 11, Article number: 16859 (2021), doi: 10.1038, IF: 4.379
- De Wit, H., Kainz, M., Lindholm, M. (2012): Methylmercury bioaccumulation in invertebrates of boreal streams in Norway: effects of aqueous methylmercury and diet retention. Environmental Pollution 164, 235-241, IF: 3.746
- Martin-Creuzburg, D.; Wacker, A.; Ziese, D.; Kainz, M. (2012): Dietary lipid quality affects temperature-mediated reaction norms of a freshwater key herbivore. Oecologia 168, 901-912, IF: 3.412
- Masclaux, H., Bec, A., Kainz, M., Perrière, F., Desvilettes, C., Bourdier, G. (2012): Accumulation and bioconversion of polyunsaturated fatty acids by cladocerans : effects of taxonomy, temperature, and food sources. Freshwater Biology 57, 696-703, IF: 3.290
- Schultz, S., Vallant, B., Kainz, M.J. (2012): Preferential feeding on high quality diets decreases methyl mercury of farm-raised common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Aquaculture 338-341, 105-110, IF: 2.041
- Taipale, S., Brett, M.T., Pulkkinen, K., Kainz, M. (2012): The influence of bacteria dominated diets on Daphnia magna somatic growth, reproduction and lipid composition. Microbiology Ecology 82, 50-62, IF: 2.912